Mary Stävin as Bond Girl Kimberley Jones in the Movie A View to a Kill

Mary Ann-Catrin Stävin (Swedish: Mary Ann-Catrin Stävin, St. August 20, 1957) is a Swedish actress and the winner of the 1977 Miss World beauty competition. She was one of the contest judges in 1980 and 2010. In 1983 she made her acting debut as a Bond girl in the James Bond film Octopussy. Since then she has had more than ten other film roles, including that of Kimberley Jones in another Bond film "A View to a Kill".

In addition to films, Stävin played various roles in television series. In 1987 she appeared in two episodes of The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd as Kirsten Haaken and in 1990 in two episodes of Twin Peaks as Heba.

She has played roles in two bondiados films: Octopussy (1983) and A View to a Kill (1985), but featuring different characters in them.

Together with football player George Best released a set of exercises "Shape For and Dance", featured two artist in Adam's video clips.

Stävin is married to the British businessman Nicholas Wilcockson, with whom she had daughter Liliana Rose.

After the 70s, dedicated to beauty pageants as a student of Physical Education, when she won the crown of Miss World at the age of only 20 years, in the 80s had a small career in film and television, participating in two films of the James Bond franchise in small roles, in the latter like agent of MI-6 and bond girl Kimberley Jones. On television, she participated in the United States of episodes of the first season of the series Twin Peaks in 1990.

In addition to the foray into film and television, Mary has featured video clips of famous musicians such as Adam Ant with a dance and gym video, Shape Up and Dance, popular in England in the 1980s with footballer George Best.

Their last film, of little expression, “The Devil Takes a Holiday”, was made in 1996.

Stävin had a multi-year public love affair with the Manchester United star and British football star George Best while he was still legally married and whom he left because of his alcoholism.

Tags: Mary Stävin, Mary Ann-Catrin Stävin, James Bond Films, Bond Girl

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Mary Stävin
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