The dream (known by its French name, Le rêve) is a painting by the Spanish painter Pablo Picasso painted in 1932. It is made using the technique of oil on canvas and is cubist style.

The painting, whose measurement is 130 x 97 cm, represents a woman who lies asleep, in an armchair with her head thrown back and her face split in two and her breasts exposed. The model of the painting is Marie-Thérèse Walter. In addition to the cubist strokes and the colors in oil, this work keeps the love story between the 15-year-old girl and Picasso, who when she met her was 46 years old. Some stories tell that Picasso met the girl one day that left the galleries Lafayette in Paris, took him to a bookstore to show him copies of his work and then lived in the castle of Boisgeloup, where they spent long work sessions. The painter was still married to the Russian dancer Olga Khokhlova, mother of his son Paulo. Thérèse Walter and Picasso had in 1935 a daughter named Maya.

In 2006 it was damaged by its owner, tycoon Las Vegas, Steve Wynn. In 2013 "the dream" was acquired by Steven Cohen, after paying 155 million dollars, and thus became the second most expensive painting in history, according to a note published in The New York Post, and in the most sought-after of his pictorial work.

Tags: The dream, Le rêve, Spanish Painter, Pablo Picasso, Oil on Canvas, Cubist Style

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