Best Computer Scientist in the World - List and Ranking

List of Best Computer Scientists in the World - User's Vote and Ranking

A computer or a computer scientist is a person who pursues a profession in the study, design, production, management and maintenance of information processing systems. Informatico is the generic term to indicate one of the many professional figures employed in computer science in the business, industrial and scientific fields. These professions belong to the advanced tertiary sector. Since the beginning of the xxi century the term is differentiated with the operator who uses the computer as a tool for his own business. The profession of computer scientist brings together all the trades that consist of designing, coordinating or implementing the development or deployment of a computerized solution that will be made available to the operators then called users.

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1. Alan Turing

Alan Turing

During World War II, Alan Turing worked at the Government School of Codes and Ciphers, located in Bletchley Park, where work was concentrated on hacking ciphers and codes of axis countries. He led the group Hut 8, responsible for cryptanalysis of communications of the Navy of Germany.

Her study of article is considered to be the first computer program in the world, and also the first algorithm encoded for processing by machines. This work plays an important role in early development of computers.

3. Bill Gates

Bill Gates

4. Admiral Grace Hopper

Admiral Grace Hopper

5. Bjarne Stroustrup

Bjarne Stroustrup

6. Dennis Ritchie

Dennis Ritchie

Born in Bronxville, New York, Ritchie graduated in physics and applied mathematics by Harvard University. In 1967 he began working at the Center for Research in Computational Sciences at Bell Labs. In 1983, he and Ken Thompson received the Turing Award for their development of generic operating system theory and especially for their implementation of the UNIX operating system.

7. Barbara Liskov

Barbara Liskov

She led the development of programming languages such as CLU and Argus in the 1970s and 1980s, as well as the object-oriented database management system Thor. Together with Jennet, Wing developed in 1987 the principle of substitution - the concept of defining a subtype.

8. David A. Patterson

David A. Patterson

9. Vinton Cerf

Vinton Cerf

Vinton Gray Cerf is an American computer scientist, considered one of the 'fathers' of the Internet. He graduated in mathematics and computer science at Stanford University (1965). During his subsequent stay at the University of California (UCLA) he obtained a master's degree in science and a doctorate.

10. Brian Kernighan

Brian Kernighan

He is famous above all for having collaborated with Dennis Ritchie, creator of the programming language C, to write the book C Programming Language, known, in the environment, as the K&R from the initials of its authors, reputed a fundamental text for the programmers. He is the creator of AWK languages, together with Alfred Aho and Peter Weinberger, and AMPL, as well as many Unix programs, such as troff.

11. Edgar F. Codd

Edgar F. Codd

12. Carl Kesselman

Carl Kesselman

13. Carl Sassenrath

Carl Sassenrath

He founded REBOL Technologies in 1997, spreading his self-developed programming language. Carl Sassenrath has been a major developer of computer languages and operating systems as well as network computing for more than 20 years. In 1985, after completing the core of the Amiga multitasking operating system, he became chief programmer at Apple, HP and Commodore.

14. Charles E. Leiserson

Charles E. Leiserson

15. Claude Shannon

Claude Shannon

16. E. Allen Emerson

E. Allen Emerson

17. Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum

18. Robert E. Kahn

Robert E. Kahn

19. Andrew Koenig

Andrew Koenig

20. John von Neumann

John von Neumann

21. Brendan Eich

Brendan Eich

Eich is best known for his work in Netscape and Mozilla. He began work at Netscape in April 1995, where he developed a programming language, originally called Mocha, then renamed LiveScript, and finally renamed JavaScript for the Netscape Navigator browser.

22. Jim Gray

Jim Gray

23. John Backus

John Backus

John Backus was an American computer scientist. Winner of the Turing Prize in 1977 for his work in high-level programming systems, especially for his work with FORTRAN. To avoid the difficulties of programming the calculators of his time, in 1954 Backus was in charge of the direction of a research project in IBM for the project and realization of a programming language closer to the normal mathematical notation. From that project emerged the FORTRAN language, the first of the high-level programming languages that had a great, even commercial, impact on the emerging computer community. After the completion of FORTRAN, Backus was a very active member of the international committee that was in charge of the ALGOL language project.

24. John McCarthy

John McCarthy

Known for studies in the field of artificial intelligence and for being the creator of the Lisp programming language. He received the Turing Award in 1972 and the National Science Medal of the United States in 1991.

25. Ken Thompson

Ken Thompson

Ken Thompson is a pioneer of computer science, known for his contribution to the creation of the C programming language and the UNIX operating system.

26. Larry Page

Larry Page

Brin and Page founded Google Inc. in 1998. Page worked as Co-Chairman of Google before Eric Schmidt was appointed Google's Chairman and CEO in 2001. Page and Brin earn one dollar in the form of annual compensation.

27. Marissa Mayer

Marissa Mayer

28. Michael Stonebraker

Michael Stonebraker

29. Peter Naur

Peter Naur

30. Sergey Brin

Sergey Brin

31. Sophie Wilson

Sophie Wilson

32. Stephen Cook

Stephen Cook

33. Steve Wozniak

Steve Wozniak

34. Sue Black

Sue Black

35. Yukihiro Matsumoto

Yukihiro Matsumoto

36. Zoubin Ghahramani

Zoubin Ghahramani

37. Zvi Galil

Zvi Galil

38. Éva Tardos

Éva Tardos

39. Aaron Sloman

Aaron Sloman

40. Abhay Bhushan

Abhay Bhushan

41. Adam Riese

Adam Riese

42. Adele Goldberg

Adele Goldberg

43. Adi Shamir

Adi Shamir

44. Adriaan van Wijngaarden

Adriaan van Wijngaarden

45. Alain Colmerauer

Alain Colmerauer

46. Alan Dix

Alan Dix

47. Alan Mycroft

Alan Mycroft

48. Alan Perlis

Alan Perlis

49. Alberto Ciaramella

Alberto Ciaramella

50. Alexander Dewdney

Alexander Dewdney

51. Alfred Aho

Alfred Aho

52. Allen Newell

Allen Newell

53. Alonzo Church

Alonzo Church

54. Alston Householder

Alston Householder

55. Amir Pnueli

Amir Pnueli

56. Andrew Appel

Andrew Appel

57. Andrew Barto

Andrew Barto

58. Andrew Booth

Andrew Booth

59. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao

Andrew Chi-Chih Yao

60. Andrew Herbert

Andrew Herbert

61. Andrew McCallum

Andrew McCallum

62. Andrew Ng

Andrew Ng

63. Andrew V. Goldberg

Andrew V. Goldberg

64. Andrew Viterbi

Andrew Viterbi

65. Andrey Ershov

Andrey Ershov

66. Andrey Nikolaevich Kolmogorov

Andrey Nikolaevich Kolmogorov

67. Andries van Dam

Andries van Dam

68. Anil K. Jain

Anil K. Jain

69. Anita Borg

Anita Borg

70. Annie J. Easley

Annie J. Easley

71. Anthony James Barr

Anthony James Barr

72. Aravind K. Joshi

Aravind K. Joshi

73. Arif Zaman

Arif Zaman

74. Arne Sølvberg

Arne Sølvberg

75. Austin Tate

Austin Tate

76. Avie Tevanian

Avie Tevanian

77. Avinash Kak

Avinash Kak

78. Azriel Rosenfeld

Azriel Rosenfeld

79. Barry Boehm

Barry Boehm

80. Beatrice Helen Worsley

Beatrice Helen Worsley

81. Ben Shneiderman

Ben Shneiderman

82. Bernard Galler

Bernard Galler

83. Bernard Richards

Bernard Richards

84. Bernard de Neumann

Bernard de Neumann

85. Bernhard Thalheim

Bernhard Thalheim

86. Bert Bos

Bert Bos

87. Bert Sutherland

Bert Sutherland

88. Bertrand Meyer

Bertrand Meyer

89. Betty Holberton

Betty Holberton

90. Bill Gropp

Bill Gropp

91. Bill Joy

Bill Joy

92. Bonnie Nardi

Bonnie Nardi

93. Brian Cantwell Smith

Brian Cantwell Smith

94. Brian Randell

Brian Randell

95. Bruce Arden

Bruce Arden

96. Bruce Schneier

Bruce Schneier

97. Bryan Cantrill

Bryan Cantrill

98. Butler W. Lampson

Butler W. Lampson

99. Börje Langefors

Börje Langefors

100. C. A. R. Hoare

C. A. R. Hoare

101. C. J. van Rijsbergen

C. J. van Rijsbergen

102. Carol Spradling

Carol Spradling

103. Carroll Morgan

Carroll Morgan

104. Cecilia R. Aragon

Cecilia R. Aragon

105. Charles Babbage

Charles Babbage

106. Charles Bachman

Charles Bachman

107. Charles Geschke

Charles Geschke

108. Charles H. Moore

Charles H. Moore

109. Charles P. Thacker

Charles P. Thacker

110. Charles Stark Draper

Charles Stark Draper

111. Chris Lattner

Chris Lattner

112. Chris McKinstry

Chris McKinstry

113. Christopher J. Date

Christopher J. Date

114. Christopher Riche Evans

Christopher Riche Evans

115. Christopher Strachey

Christopher Strachey

116. Christos Papadimitriou

Christos Papadimitriou

117. Claude Sammut

Claude Sammut

118. Cleve Moler

Cleve Moler

119. Cliff Jones

Cliff Jones

120. Cliff Shaw

Cliff Shaw

121. Colette Rolland

Colette Rolland

122. Corrado Böhm

Corrado Böhm

123. D. R. Fulkerson

D. R. Fulkerson

124. DJ Patil

DJ Patil

125. Dan Ingalls

Dan Ingalls

126. Dan Jurafsky

Dan Jurafsky

127. Dan Klein

Dan Klein

128. Dana Scott

Dana Scott

129. Danese Cooper

Danese Cooper

130. Daniel J. Bernstein

Daniel J. Bernstein

131. Daniel P. Friedman

Daniel P. Friedman

132. Daniel Sleator

Daniel Sleator

133. Daniel Thalmann

Daniel Thalmann

134. Danny Hillis

Danny Hillis

135. Daphne Koller

Daphne Koller

136. Darrell Long

Darrell Long

137. David A. Bader

David A. Bader

138. David A. Huffman

David A. Huffman

139. David Blei

David Blei

140. David C. Evans

David C. Evans

141. David E. Shaw

David E. Shaw

142. David Eppstein

David Eppstein

143. David F. Bacon

David F. Bacon

144. David Gelernter

David Gelernter

145. David H. D. Warren

David H. D. Warren

146. David J. Brown

David J. Brown

147. David Karger

David Karger

148. David Korn

David Korn

149. David Liddle

David Liddle

150. David P. Anderson

David P. Anderson

151. David P. Reed

David P. Reed

152. David Parnas

David Parnas

153. David Pearson

David Pearson

154. David S. Johnson

David S. Johnson

155. David Wagner

David Wagner

156. David Waltz

David Waltz

157. David Wheeler

David Wheeler

158. Dennis E. Wisnosky

Dennis E. Wisnosky

159. Derek McAuley

Derek McAuley

160. Dines Bjørner

Dines Bjørner

161. Don Estridge

Don Estridge

162. Donald Firesmith

Donald Firesmith

163. Donald Knuth

Donald Knuth

164. Donald Norman

Donald Norman

165. Dorothy Blum

Dorothy Blum

166. Dorothy E. Denning

Dorothy E. Denning

167. Dorothy Vaughan

Dorothy Vaughan

168. Douglas Crockford

Douglas Crockford

169. Douglas Engelbart

Douglas Engelbart

170. Douglas Lenat

Douglas Lenat

171. Douglas McIlroy

Douglas McIlroy

172. Douglas T. Ross

Douglas T. Ross

173. Dragomir R. Radev

Dragomir R. Radev

174. Edmund M. Clarke

Edmund M. Clarke

175. Edsger Dijkstra

Edsger Dijkstra

176. Edward D. Lazowska

Edward D. Lazowska

177. Edward F. Moore

Edward F. Moore

178. Edward Feigenbaum

Edward Feigenbaum

179. Edward Felten

Edward Felten

180. Edward Fredkin

Edward Fredkin

181. Edward H. Shortliffe

Edward H. Shortliffe

182. Edward Yourdon

Edward Yourdon

183. Edwin Catmull

Edwin Catmull

184. Edwin E. Tozer

Edwin E. Tozer

185. Eldon C. Hall

Eldon C. Hall

186. Emil Post

Emil Post

187. Eric Hehner

Eric Hehner

188. Eric Horvitz

Eric Horvitz

189. Erik Demaine

Erik Demaine

190. Eugene Luks

Eugene Luks

191. Fernando J. Corbató

Fernando J. Corbató

192. Frances E. Allen

Frances E. Allen

193. Franco Preparata

Franco Preparata

194. Frank Harary

Frank Harary

195. Franklin H. Westervelt

Franklin H. Westervelt

196. François Vernadat

François Vernadat

197. Fred B. Schneider

Fred B. Schneider

198. Fred Brooks

Fred Brooks

199. Frieder Nake

Frieder Nake

200. G.M. Nijssen

G.M. Nijssen

201. Gary William Flake

Gary William Flake

202. Gastón Gonnet

Gastón Gonnet

203. Gene Amdahl

Gene Amdahl

204. Gene Golub

Gene Golub

205. Geoffrey Hinton

Geoffrey Hinton

206. George Boole

George Boole

207. George Novacky

George Novacky

208. George Sadowsky

George Sadowsky

209. Gerald Jay Sussman

Gerald Jay Sussman

210. Gerard Holzmann

Gerard Holzmann

211. Gerard Salton

Gerard Salton

212. Gernot Heiser

Gernot Heiser

213. Gerrit Blaauw

Gerrit Blaauw

214. Gillian Lovegrove

Gillian Lovegrove

215. Gio Wiederhold

Gio Wiederhold

216. Glen Culler

Glen Culler

217. Glenda Schroeder

Glenda Schroeder

218. Gloria Townsend

Gloria Townsend

219. Godfried Toussaint

Godfried Toussaint

220. Gordon Bell

Gordon Bell

221. Gordon Cormack

Gordon Cormack

222. Gordon Moore

Gordon Moore

223. Gordon Plotkin

Gordon Plotkin

224. Grady Booch

Grady Booch

225. Gregor Kiczales

Gregor Kiczales

226. Gregory Chaitin

Gregory Chaitin

227. Guy L. Steele, Jr.

Guy L. Steele, Jr.

228. Gábor Tardos

Gábor Tardos

229. Hal Abelson

Hal Abelson

230. Hans Moravec

Hans Moravec

231. Hans Zantema

Hans Zantema

232. Harry Bouwman

Harry Bouwman

233. Haskell Curry

Haskell Curry

234. He Jifeng

He Jifeng

235. Hector Garcia-Molina

Hector Garcia-Molina

236. Herbert A. Simon

Herbert A. Simon

237. Herbert W. Franke

Herbert W. Franke

238. Herman Hollerith

Herman Hollerith

239. Hugo de Garis

Hugo de Garis

240. Ian Goldberg

Ian Goldberg

241. Igor Hawryszkiewycz

Igor Hawryszkiewycz

242. Ingemar Cox

Ingemar Cox

243. Ivan Sutherland

Ivan Sutherland

244. Ivar Jacobson

Ivar Jacobson

245. J Strother Moore

J Strother Moore

246. J.C.R. Licklider

J.C.R. Licklider

247. Jack Dongarra

Jack Dongarra

248. Jack E. Bresenham

Jack E. Bresenham

249. Jack Minker

Jack Minker

250. Jacques Cohen

Jacques Cohen

251. Jaime Teevan

Jaime Teevan

252. James C. Beatty

James C. Beatty

253. James Cooley

James Cooley

254. James D. Foley

James D. Foley

255. James G. Nell

James G. Nell

256. James Gosling

James Gosling

257. James H. Wilkinson

James H. Wilkinson

258. James Hendler

James Hendler

259. James Martin

James Martin

260. James Rumbaugh

James Rumbaugh

261. James Z. Wang

James Z. Wang

262. Jan Dietz

Jan Dietz

263. Jan Weglarz

Jan Weglarz

264. Janet L. Kolodner

Janet L. Kolodner

265. Jean Bartik

Jean Bartik

266. Jean E. Sammet

Jean E. Sammet

267. Jean Ichbiah

Jean Ichbiah

268. Jeff Bonwick

Jeff Bonwick

269. Jeff Dean

Jeff Dean

270. Jeff Rulifson

Jeff Rulifson

271. Jeffrey D. Ullman

Jeffrey D. Ullman

272. Jeffrey Scott Vitter

Jeffrey Scott Vitter

273. Jennifer Widom

Jennifer Widom

274. Jerre Noe

Jerre Noe

275. Jiawei Han

Jiawei Han

276. Jie Wu

Jie Wu

277. Jill Zimmerman

Jill Zimmerman

278. Joel Moses

Joel Moses

279. Johan Håstad

Johan Håstad

280. John C. Reynolds

John C. Reynolds

281. John Cocke

John Cocke

282. John George Kemeny

John George Kemeny

283. John Henry Holland

John Henry Holland

284. John Hopcroft

John Hopcroft

285. John Hughes

John Hughes

286. John Koza

John Koza

287. John Krogstie

John Krogstie

288. John L. Hennessy

John L. Hennessy

289. John Lions

John Lions

290. John Mashey

John Mashey

291. John Mauchly

John Mauchly

292. John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan

293. John Ousterhout

John Ousterhout

294. John P. Moon

John P. Moon

295. John Presper Eckert

John Presper Eckert

296. John Tukey

John Tukey

297. John Vincent Atanasoff

John Vincent Atanasoff

298. John Yen

John Yen

299. Jon Crowcroft

Jon Crowcroft

300. Jon Postel

Jon Postel