1. Alan Turing
During World War II, Alan Turing worked at the Government School of Codes and Ciphers, located in Bletchley Park, where work was concentrated on hacking ciphers and codes of axis countries. He led the group Hut 8, responsible for cryptanalysis of communications of the Navy of Germany.
2. Ada Lovelace
Her study of article is considered to be the first computer program in the world, and also the first algorithm encoded for processing by machines. This work plays an important role in early development of computers.
3. Bill Gates
4. Admiral Grace Hopper
5. Bjarne Stroustrup
6. Dennis Ritchie
Born in Bronxville, New York, Ritchie graduated in physics and applied mathematics by Harvard University. In 1967 he began working at the Center for Research in Computational Sciences at Bell Labs. In 1983, he and Ken Thompson received the Turing Award for their development of generic operating system theory and especially for their implementation of the UNIX operating system.
7. Barbara Liskov
She led the development of programming languages such as CLU and Argus in the 1970s and 1980s, as well as the object-oriented database management system Thor. Together with Jennet, Wing developed in 1987 the principle of substitution - the concept of defining a subtype.
8. David A. Patterson
9. Vinton Cerf
Vinton Gray Cerf is an American computer scientist, considered one of the 'fathers' of the Internet. He graduated in mathematics and computer science at Stanford University (1965). During his subsequent stay at the University of California (UCLA) he obtained a master's degree in science and a doctorate.
10. Brian Kernighan
He is famous above all for having collaborated with Dennis Ritchie, creator of the programming language C, to write the book C Programming Language, known, in the environment, as the K&R from the initials of its authors, reputed a fundamental text for the programmers. He is the creator of AWK languages, together with Alfred Aho and Peter Weinberger, and AMPL, as well as many Unix programs, such as troff.
11. Edgar F. Codd
12. Carl Kesselman
13. Carl Sassenrath
He founded REBOL Technologies in 1997, spreading his self-developed programming language. Carl Sassenrath has been a major developer of computer languages and operating systems as well as network computing for more than 20 years. In 1985, after completing the core of the Amiga multitasking operating system, he became chief programmer at Apple, HP and Commodore.
14. Charles E. Leiserson
15. Claude Shannon
16. E. Allen Emerson
17. Guido van Rossum
18. Robert E. Kahn
19. Andrew Koenig
20. John von Neumann
21. Brendan Eich
Eich is best known for his work in Netscape and Mozilla. He began work at Netscape in April 1995, where he developed a programming language, originally called Mocha, then renamed LiveScript, and finally renamed JavaScript for the Netscape Navigator browser.
22. Jim Gray
23. John Backus
John Backus was an American computer scientist. Winner of the Turing Prize in 1977 for his work in high-level programming systems, especially for his work with FORTRAN. To avoid the difficulties of programming the calculators of his time, in 1954 Backus was in charge of the direction of a research project in IBM for the project and realization of a programming language closer to the normal mathematical notation. From that project emerged the FORTRAN language, the first of the high-level programming languages that had a great, even commercial, impact on the emerging computer community. After the completion of FORTRAN, Backus was a very active member of the international committee that was in charge of the ALGOL language project.
24. John McCarthy
Known for studies in the field of artificial intelligence and for being the creator of the Lisp programming language. He received the Turing Award in 1972 and the National Science Medal of the United States in 1991.
25. Ken Thompson
Ken Thompson is a pioneer of computer science, known for his contribution to the creation of the C programming language and the UNIX operating system.
26. Larry Page
Brin and Page founded Google Inc. in 1998. Page worked as Co-Chairman of Google before Eric Schmidt was appointed Google's Chairman and CEO in 2001. Page and Brin earn one dollar in the form of annual compensation.