1. ACE Admin Twitter Bootstrap 3 Admin Template

Ace is a lightweight, feature-rich and easy to use admin template based on Bootstrap. The initial release (v1) comes with the following features: 4 Different theme colors Responsive design Documentation HTML pages including: Dashboard with stats, charts and recent events UI elements Buttons Treeview Form elements Wysiwyg editor Wizard Customizable widgets Image gallery Pricing tables Invoice Inbox Timeline FAQ User profile Login, register and forgot password Error 404 and error 500 pages And a few other Custom elements and plugins.DemoDownloadGithub
2. Dashboards by Keen IO

Building an analytics dashboard? Don’t start from scratch. Grab one of our Bootstrap-based templates and admire your data in minutes. Begin with a layout. An attractive, custom analytics dashboard that's ready to be shown to your team or your customers. No hours lost tweaking CSS or testing responsiveness on eight different mobile devices.DemoDownloadGithub
3. Gentelella

Gentelella Admin is a free to use Bootstrap admin template. This template uses the default Bootstrap 3 styles along with a variety of powerful jQuery plugins and tools to create a powerful framework for creating admin panels or back-end dashboards. Theme uses several libraries for charts, calendar, form validation, wizard style interface, off-canvas navigation menu, text forms, date range, upload area, form auto-complete, range slider, progress bars, notifications and much more.DemoDownloadGithub
4. Aero Admin

5. Matrix Admin

6. Robust Free Bootstrap Admin Template

Robust admin lite is super flexible, powerful, clean & modern responsive free bootstrap admin template admin template with unlimited possibilities. Robust admin lite can be used for any type of web applications: Project Management, eCommerce backends, CRM, Analytics, Fitness or any custom admin panels. It comes with 2 niche dashboards. Robust admin lite is powered with HTML 5, SASS, GRUNT, Gulp & Twitter Bootstrap 4 which looks great on Desktops, Tablets, and Mobile Devices.DemoDownloadGithub
7. Urban admin template

Urban is a premium bootstrap 3 web application admin template. It comes packed with a myriad of different layouts, pre-built skins (Sidebar & Header), angularJS and HTML versions, Grunt and Bower build processes and a host of other options. Urban gives you what you need to get started with building your next web application, CRM, CMS, admin or dashboard based project.DemoDownloadGithub
8. CoreUI - Free Bootstrap Admin Template RTL

CoreUI is Open Source Bootstrap Admin Template. CoreUI is not just another Admin Template. It goes way beyond hitherto admin templates thanks to transparent code and file structure. And if it’s not enough, let’s just add the CoreUI consists bunch of unique features and over 1000 high quality icons., CoreUI based on Bootstrap 4 and offers 5 versions: HTML5, AJAX, AngularJS, Angular2 and React.DemoDownloadGithub
9. Gentelella Bladeone

10. Bootstrap Admin Template

Metis is a simple yet powerful free Bootstrap admin dashboard template that you can feel free to use for any app, service, software or anything else. Feel free to share and fork it. This template currently is slightly outdated but within few weeks we are going to make a major overhaul making to the best free admin template you have seen on Github or elsehwere on the web.DemoDownloadGithub