xB Browser (XeroBank Browser, formerly called Torpark) is an Open Source web browser based on the Tor client and Firefox Portable. The main difference with the latter is the integration of the TOR method for anonymous browsing in Firefox. It is a browser developed with security in mind, so when a new version of Firefox comes out, it does not adapt until several bug fix versions have been released. Currently when running Torpark you can not have an instance of Mozilla Firefox open. Because TOR acts on TCP port 8118, it must be open on your router to allow the anonymity of your Internet connection.

Curiosities:-‚ XeroBank Browser has been developed by Steve Topletz, although in his first versions he received help from the creator of Firefox Portable, John T Haller.‚ as of version, the browser has been released along with the Hacktivism association.‚ the name "Torpark" comes from the TOR method, adding the word park, from the code name of the first version on which this browser was based, Mozilla Firefox 1.5 - Deer Park.‚ If you run XeroBank Browser from a command line with the / DEADBEEF option you can see an easter egg, which refers to a hacker community, The Cult of the Dead Cow, a hacktivist group.

Tags: xB Browser, TorPark, Xerobank Browser, Xero Networks AG, Web Browser

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xB Browser
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