1. Chess

Chess is an intellectual and entertaining game played between two players. Some unknown person gave this game to the intellectuals of the world in the fifth or sixth century. It is believed that this game is essentially the invention of India, whose ancient name was 'Chaturanga', which went UAE to Europe through India and then became popular and famous in the 15th - 16th century.
The Carrom is played on a square wooden board with holes in its four corners. It can play two, three or four players. In addition, a red or queen carrom is used, 9 white and 9 black Carrom men. There is a large striker that each player has to push the slings in one of the holes on the four corners of the carrom board. It originated in the Indian subcontinent.
3. Snakes and Ladders

The game of Saanp Seedhi is a game played on board. This game is very popular among children. It was invented in India. In India it was called 'Mokshpatam' or 'Param Padam'. Earlier it was used to teach children the basic principles of Hindu religion. The British named it 'Snakes and Ladders'. It is believed that Saint Gyaneshwar had invented it during the thirteenth century. But according to some sources, its roots go up to the second century BC.
4. Checkers

Draughts is very ancient game. Its ancient name is Checkers. This was a very favorite game of Greek and Roman people. Its popularity can be estimated by the fact that the pictures of the board of this game have been seen in many places in Roman's historic buildings.
5. Ouija

Ouija board or witches board is a flat surface wood with letters, numbers or other symbols on it and a movable gauge is placed. It was created to be used as a method of necromancy or communication with spirit, consider followers of spiritism as an aid to contact spirits.
6. Monopoly

Monopoly is a board game based on the exchange and purchase of real estate (usually inspired by the names of the streets of a certain city), nowadays produced by the American company Hasbro of Rhode Island. Monopoly is one of the best-selling commercial board games in the world.
7. Ludo

The Ludo is a board game for children, bringing together two to four players. The goal is to have the four pawns go around the circuit and bring them home before the other players. The Ludo is a descendant of Pachisi and Parcheesi.
8. Scrabble

The Scrabble is a board and word game where the objective is to collect points on the basis of random letters prints, creating words on a square grid. Scrabble is very popular with family and friends, but also on the Internet. It is also practiced in clubs and in competition.
9. Pictionary

Pictionary is a famous board game created by Robert Angel that consists in guessing a word through a drawing made on paper. The player or team guessing more words or phrases wins.
10. Travel Go

Travel Go is a fun board game, based on worldwide tour, which was manufactured by Waddingtons Ltd from 1961 onwards.
11. Quoridor

Quoridor is a strategy game for two or four people by Mirko Marchesi. It appeared in 1997 in various countries by the game publisher FX Schmid, Gigamic and the Great American Trading Company. The game was awarded in 1997 with the Mensa Select, a prize awarded annually by the American Mensa to five board games.
12. Personal Preference

13. Fanorona

14. Mexica

15. Timberland

16. Castle Panic

17. Wari

18. Game of the Goose

19. Gipf

20. Die Macher

21. Princes of Florence

22. Take the Galaxy

23. I'm the Boss!

24. Pandemic

25. Buccaneer

26. Ashta Chamma

27. American Megafauna

28. Sentinels of the Multiverse

29. Ingenious

30. Ra

31. Inkan aarre

32. Masterpiece

33. Crash! The bankrupt game

34. Stock Ticker

35. Onyx

36. Dead of Winter: A Cross Roads Game

37. Journey through Europe

38. Ghettopoly

39. Polarity

40. The Farming Game

41. Dungeons & Dragons

42. Anti-Monopoly

43. Totopoly

44. Tsuro of the Seas

45. Bul

46. Vinci

47. Space Alert

48. Guess Who?

49. Bezzerwizzer

50. Rithmomachy

51. Space Hulk

52. Chicken Cha Cha Cha

53. The Kids of Catan

54. Battlestar Galactica

55. GridIron Master

56. RoboRally

57. Blood Bowl

58. Operation

59. Farlander

60. Twister

61. Mouse Trap

62. Stratego

63. Chapayev

64. Space Hop

65. Race for the Galaxy

66. Kamisado

67. Hex

68. Liu po

69. Strange Synergy

70. Rappakalja

71. Trouble

72. Battle Sheep

73. Australia

74. Puerto Rico

75. Subbuteo

76. Sáhkku

77. Zingo!


79. Flibbix

80. Twilight Struggle

81. Battleship

82. Buckaroo

83. Doom: The Boardgame


85. Summit

86. Hanabi

87. Small World

88. Splendor

89. Outrage!

90. Ricochet Robots

91. History of the World

92. Quarto


94. Merchant of Venus

95. Qin

96. Bookchase

97. Bang!

98. Okey

99. Risk 2210 AD

100. Don't Wake Daddy

101. 13 Dead End Drive

102. 1313 Dead End Drive

103. 18XX

104. 221B Baker Street

105. 30 Seconds

106. Abalone

107. About Time

108. Acquire

109. Acronymble

110. Adel Verpflichtet

111. Afrikan tähti

112. Agon

113. Agricola

114. Air Charter

115. Aksharit

116. Aladdin's Dragons

117. Alhambra

118. Alias

119. Ambush!

120. Amun-Re

121. Android: Netrunner

122. Arkham Horror

123. Articulate!

124. Asalto

125. Attack!

126. Auf Achse

127. Axis & Allies

128. Azul

129. B-17, Queen of the Skies

130. Backgammon

131. Bailout! The Game

132. Balderdash

133. Barbarossa

134. BattleLore

135. Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game

136. Betrayal at House on the Hill

137. Blankety Blank

138. Blockade

139. Blockhead!

140. Blokus

141. Blood Feud in New York

142. Blue Max

143. Bonkers!

144. Brain Chain

145. Brainstorm

146. Break the Safe

147. Camel Up

148. Camelot

149. Camp Granada

150. Can't Stop

151. Candy Land

152. Capitol

153. Carcassonne

154. Careers

155. Caribbean

156. Cartagena

157. Castle Risk

158. Catan Junior

159. Caylus

160. Chaturanga (Indian chess)

161. Chinese Chequers

162. Chromino

163. CirKis

164. Civilization

165. Clans

166. Clue

167. Clue Jr.: Case of the Missing Pet

168. Clue/Cluedo

169. Codenames

170. Coin Hopping—Washington D.C.

171. Colt Express

172. Commands & Colors: Ancients

173. Concept

174. Connect 4

175. Conspiracy

176. Coppit

177. Cosmic Encounter

178. Cranium

179. Crokinole

180. Cross and Circle game

181. Crosstrack

182. Daldøs

183. Dark Tower

184. Dart Wars

185. Diamant

186. Diamond

187. Diceball

188. Diplomacy

189. Dixit

190. Djambi

191. Domaine

192. Dominion

193. Don't Break the Ice

194. Don't Miss the Boat

195. Don't Quote Me

196. Dorn

197. Downfall

The game is sold in the United States under the name Downfall ("fall"). It's called New Downfall in the UK ("New Fall"); this new version has the same rules but has a more futuristic design, alternating red and yellow. It is distributed by Hasbro. It has also been sold under different names in other countries. Thus, in Italy, the game is published under the name of Cascadix, while it is named Slotter in Germany and Onderuit in the Netherlands. In 1994, the game was awarded the Mensa Select which rewards the best puzzle games. The game box graphics are parodied on the cover of the Expert Knob Twiddlers album by Aphex Twin and Mike Paradinas.
198. Drunter und Drüber

199. Dune

200. Eclipse

201. El Grande

202. Elfenland

203. Enchanted Forest

204. Entdecker

205. Escape from Atlantis

206. Fictionary

207. Fields of Fire

208. Figure It Out

209. Finance

210. Fireball Island

211. Flash Point

212. Focus

213. Forbidden Bridge

214. Forbidden Island

215. Formula Dé

216. Freedom: The Underground Railroad

217. Fresco

218. Game For Fame

219. Game of the Generals

220. Ghosts

221. GiftTRAP

222. Giganten

223. Girl Talk

224. Glasnost The Game

225. Glückshaus

226. Gnip Gnop

227. Go

228. Great Train Robbery

229. Halma

230. Hanafuda

231. Hare and Hounds

232. Hare and Tortoise

233. Heroscape

234. Hey Pa! There's a Goat on the Roof

235. Hey, That's My Fish!

236. Hi Ho! Cherry-O

237. Hijara

238. Hooop!

239. Hotels

240. Hounds and Jackals

241. Hungry Hungry Hippos

242. Husker Du?

243. Icehouse pieces

244. Imperial

245. Indigo

246. Isola

247. Jaipur

248. Janggi (Korean chess)

249. Java

250. Jenga

251. Junta

252. Kalah

253. Keltis

254. Kerplunk

255. Khet

256. Kill Doctor Lucky

257. King Oil

258. King of Tokyo

259. Kingdoms

260. Kolejka

261. Krazy Maze

262. København

263. Landslide

264. Las Vegas

265. Le Havre

266. Le Jeu de la Guerre

267. Logo Board Game

268. Lord of the Rings

269. Lords of Waterdeep

270. Lost Cities

271. Luck of the Draw

272. Löwenherz

273. Mad Gab

274. Mahjong

275. Major General

276. Makruk (Thai chess)

277. Malefiz

278. Mall Madness

279. Manhattan

280. Master Labyrinth

281. Master Mind

282. Matching game

283. Medici

284. Medina

285. Mensch ärgere dich nicht

286. Mikado

287. Mine a million

288. Mississippi Queen

289. Modern Art

290. Mutant Meeples

291. Near and Far

292. Niagara

293. Nine Men's Morris

294. Omega Virus

295. Ouk Chatrang (Cambodian chess)

296. Pack & Stack

297. Parcheesi

298. Parqués

299. Patchwork

300. Pay Day