1. Amateur astronomy

Amateur astronomy is part of astronomy that is practiced by amateurs. Although most amateur astronomers carry out their hobby for pleasure and to expand their personal knowledge, astronomy is also one of the few branches of science where amateurs can make an important contribution to scientific knowledge about the universe, particularly in the field of variable stars, observations of asteroids and star coverings by the moon. In these areas, professional astronomers cannot spend the time and resources where amateurs with modest resources and mobility can make many useful observations.
2. Beach volleyball

Beach volleyball is a variation of volleyball, which is played on sand. Two teams separated by nets hitting volleyball using arms or hands. Players try to hit the ball through the net to enter the floor in the opponent's area, and must prevent the ball from falling in their own area.
3. Element collecting

The collection of elements of the periodic table is a hobby that consists of collecting pure samples, specimens or objects related to the 118 chemical elements discovered so far. The nature of this collection requires certain prior knowledge and can be a didactic tool.
4. Gold prospecting

At present, gold panning is a popular entertainment that cannot be gained, as most of the rich areas have already been exploited. In the Czech Republic, gold is regularly panted at Otava near Kestřany on Písek in the gold-bearing river Otava.
5. Hacky Sack

Hacky Sack a small ball, also called short bag or leg bag, different variations of which are used in a number of games, as well as the combined name of various sports, where this ball is used. If you do not take into account, the various variations where it is necessary to kick the ball, passing it to other players. There are two of the most common disciplines in footbag: freestyle futbol and no-futbag game.
6. Philately

Philately is an activity or hobby of collecting stamps and other postal items such as the First Day Cover. The collection of postal items mostly prioritized the old edition, although new editions were also collected. The older the age of the postal object, the higher the price. In Indonesia, Philatelic activities received support from PT Pos Indonesia. In each large post office there is a window or philately room.
7. Pottery

Pottery, originally a craft that served for the manufacture of vessels for cooking, eating or storing liquid and bulk materials. At the present time, processing by molding on a potter's wheel, applying glaze and then firing clay to make it into household items, building materials, various decorative items, souvenirs, jewelry, in a word, into ceramics.
8. Puzzles

Puzzle games are as old as the classic games too. Known are the stories of the inventor of the game of chess, who was allowed to wish something in thanks of the Indian king and wished the number of grains of rice, which results when you put on a field of the checkerboard always twice the number of grains as on the previous one.
The sport shooting is a sport that involves testing precision and concentration in the handling of a firearm or compressed air. All the rules are governed by the International Federation of Sports Shooting, an international organization based in Germany, is the organization that governs sports shooting internationally and is responsible for holding regular competitions and events in each of its disciplines.
10. Taxidermy

The Taxidermy is the art of preparing the dead animals to preserve the appearance of life. The term comes from the ancient Greek τάξις/táxis (order, arrangement) and δέρμα/dérma (the skin). It appears for the first time in the New Dictionary of Natural History (1803-1804) of Louis Dufresne (1752-1832). The corresponding profession is that of taxidermist or stuffer.
11. Worldbuilding

Worldbuilding, conworlding or světotvorba is the act of creating a fictional world, sometimes entire fictional universe. The term "worldbuilding" was popularized in the 1970s science fiction writers' workshop. Creating an imaginary environment with complete features such as history, geography, and ecology is a key to science fiction or fantasy authors. worldbuilding often involves generating maps, story background, and humanity. The fictional worlds created can enrich the story background and history, so it is a good idea to reconsider the work during the completion of the work.
12. 3D printing

13. Acrobatics

14. Acting

15. Action figure

16. Air sports

17. Aircraft spotting

18. Airsoft

19. Amateur radio

20. American football

21. Animal fancy

22. Animation

23. Antiquing

24. Antiquities

25. Aquascaping

26. Archery

27. Art collecting

28. Association football

29. Astrology

30. Astronomy

31. Audiophile

32. Australian rules football

33. Auto audiophilia

34. Auto racing

35. Axe Throwing

36. BASE jumping

37. BMX

38. Badminton

39. Baking

40. Baseball

41. Basketball

42. Baton twirling

43. Beatboxing

44. Beekeeping

45. Billiards

46. Bird watching

47. Birdwatching

48. Blacksmithing

49. Board sports

50. Board/tabletop games

51. Bodybuilding

52. Book collecting

53. Book restoration

54. Bowling

55. Boxing

56. Brazilian jiu-jitsu

57. Breakdancing

58. Bridge

59. Bus spotting

60. Cabaret

61. Calligraphy

62. Camping

63. Candle making

64. Canoeing

65. Canyoning

66. Cartophily (card collecting)

67. Cheerleading

68. Chess

69. Climbing

70. Coffee roasting

71. Coin collecting

72. Collecting

73. Color guard

74. Coloring

75. Comic book collecting

76. Computer programming

77. Cooking

78. Cosplaying

79. Couponing

80. Creative writing

81. Cricket

82. Crocheting

83. Cross-stitch

84. Crossword puzzles

85. Cryptography

86. Curling

87. Cycling

88. Dance

89. Dancing

90. Darts

91. Debate

92. Deltiology (postcard collecting)

93. Die-cast toy

94. Digital arts

95. Disc golf

96. Do it yourself

97. Dog sport

98. Dolls

99. Dowsing

100. Drama

101. Drawing

102. Driving

103. ESports

104. Eating

105. Electronics

106. Embroidery

107. Equestrianism

108. Exhibition drill

109. Fantasy sports

110. Fashion

111. Fencing

112. Field hockey

113. Figure skating

114. Fishing

115. Fishkeeping

116. Flag football

117. Flower arranging

118. Flower collecting and pressing

119. Flying

120. Flying disc

121. Foraging

122. Foreign language learning

123. Fossil hunting

124. Freestyle football

125. Fusilately (phonecard collecting)

126. Gaming (tabletop games and role-playing games)

127. Gardening

128. Genealogy

129. Geocaching

130. Ghost hunting

131. Glassblowing

132. Go Board Game

133. Golfing

134. Gongoozling

135. Graffiti

136. Graphic design

137. Gunsmithing

138. Gymnastics

139. Handball

140. Herp keeping

141. Herping

142. High-power rocketry

143. Hiking

144. Hiking/backpacking

145. Homebrewing

146. Hooping

147. Horseback riding

148. Hunting

149. Hydroponics

150. Ice hockey

151. Ice skating

152. Inline skating

153. Insect collecting

154. Jewelry making

155. Jigsaw puzzles

156. Jogging

157. Judo

158. Juggling

159. Jukskei

160. Kabaddi

161. Karate

162. Kart racing

163. Kayaking

164. Kite flying

165. Kitesurfing

166. Knife collecting

167. Knife making

168. Knife throwing

169. Knitting

170. Kombucha brewing

171. LARPing

172. Lace making

173. Lacrosse

174. Lapidary

175. Laser tag

176. Learning

177. Leather crafting

178. Lego building

179. Letterboxing

180. Listening to music

181. Lock Picking

182. Longboarding

183. Lotology (lottery ticket collecting)

184. Machining

185. Macrame

186. Magic

187. Magnet fishing

188. Mahjong

189. Marbles

190. Marching band

191. Martial arts

192. Meditation

193. Metal detecting

194. Metalworking

195. Meteorology

196. Microscopy

197. Mineral collecting

198. Model aircraft

199. Model building

200. Model engineering

201. Motor sports

202. Mountain biking

203. Mountaineering

204. Movie and movie memorabilia collecting

205. Mushroom hunting/mycology

206. Needlepoint

207. Netball

208. Nordic skating

209. Orienteering

210. Origami

211. Paintball

212. Painting

213. Parkour

214. Perfume

215. Phillumeny

216. Photography

217. Playing musical instruments

218. Poi

219. Poker

220. Polo

221. Powerlifting

222. Quilling

223. Quilting

224. Racquetball

225. Radio-controlled car racing

226. Rafting

227. Rail transport modelling

228. Rappelling

229. Reading

230. Record collecting

231. Road biking

232. Robot combat

233. Rock balancing

234. Rock climbing

235. Roller derby

236. Roller skating

237. Rugby

238. Rugby league football

239. Running

240. Sailing

241. Sand art

242. Satellite watching

243. Scouting

244. Scrapbooking

245. Scuba diving

246. Sculling or rowing

247. Sculpting

248. Sea glass collecting

249. Seashell collecting

250. Sewing

251. Shoes

252. Shogi

253. Shooting

254. Shopping

255. Shortwave listening

256. Singing

257. Skateboarding

258. Sketching

259. Skiing

260. Skimboarding

261. Skydiving

262. Slacklining

263. Slot car racing

264. Snowboarding

265. Soapmaking

266. Speed skating

267. Speedcubing

268. Sport stacking

269. Squash

270. Stamp collecting

271. Stand-up comedy

272. Stone collecting

273. Stone skipping

274. Sun bathing

275. Surfing

276. Swimming

277. Table football

278. Table tennis

279. Taekwondo

280. Tai chi

281. Tea bag collecting

282. Tennis

283. Tennis polo

284. Tether car

285. Ticket collecting

286. Topiary

287. Tour skating

288. Trainspotting

289. Travel

290. Traveling

291. Triathlon

292. Ultimate frisbee

293. Urban exploration

294. Vacation

295. Vehicle restoration

296. Video editing

297. Video game collecting

298. Video game developing

299. Video gaming

300. Videophilia