"If You Are the One" or "I ask not to bother those who are dishonest" is a romantic comedy with melodrama elements telling about a man searching for a suitable second half. The premiere took place on December 18, 2008. The film had successful fees in the Chinese box office: $53.7 million. The sequel to the film was created in 2010 under the name of Unfair, please do not disturb 2.

The plot: Qin Feng (Ge Yu) returns from the United States to his homeland, where he wants to find himself a "modern outside, old fashioned inside". But among all, he only likes the beautiful Liang (Shu Qi), who loves a married man. She offers him to marry her, but with one condition: if she is allowed to think about something else.

Starring: Ge YuShu QiFan ZhongxinVivian chuFan Wei

Translation: The translation into Russian was carried out by the participants of the website chinafilm.tv in 2010, announced by the studio in a cube.

Premiere: People's Republic of China China - December 18, 2008Hong Kong Hong Kong - December 25, 2008Singapore Singapore - February 27, 2009Republic of China Taiwan - June 23, 2009Japan Japan - February 20, 2010

Tags: If You Are the One, if Insincere, Do Not Disturb, Romantic Comedy Film

"If You Are the One" is at the 22nd Position in this list.

If You Are the One
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