The television program tells the stories of people who have been bitten by deadly animals in the past. Viewers discover the science behind bites and the destructive effects of the poison on the human body. This program is based on the true events in which any person has been bitten by a venomous snake or any animals. In this show, it is tried to know what the reason behind it is. In the starting of program a disclaimer is shown that tells "This program contains graphic images and dramatizations of real events that may be disturbing to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised." Patients are being treated by animal venom specialist Sean Bush.

Episode 1

A man gives an account of his unfortunate brush with a rattlesnake. The victim tells that:-

The summertime gets pretty hot where I live so we'll go to the mountains hit the lake. We ended up taking my friends struck up a fire road out there and then on our way back down is when we seen the snake crossing the dirt road.

Friend of mine decided he wanted to keep it for some reason I had handled other snakes before but I figure if I held it by the tail and held it away from me that it couldn't turn up to get my hand. So we bagged the snake up put him in the bed of the truck, preceded down the dirt road back to the main highway. I was sitting up next to the window the cab of the truck and the snake I had it back towards the tailgate made it about halfway down to the highway and the snake got out of the bag.

Next thing, the snakes started coming out of the bag slowly. I turned around started pounding on the back window telling my friend to pull over by that time the stake was pretty agitated from being in the back of the truck being in a bag. Then I just jumped over the side of the bed and then I grabbed him again. Slid my hand up behind his head and then when I squeezed he had enough room to turn and that's when it latched onto my hand.

Sean Bush Explaining this case:- Who the EON we've been fascinated by snakes you know snakes are in all sorts of literature they just been around for a long time but we've been afraid up for a long time. Think that the fear that's sort of programmed into us sort of transcends into a fascination.

I treat between about 50 and 70 rattlesnake bites a year. This was one of those rare cases where Pippins limb was threatened. I can just tell by talking to Pippin that he has no idea how sick he was.

Tags: I Was Bitten, Television Program, Discovery Channel

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