In Spain itself, other Romance languages are spoken in addition to the regional variants of Spanish: Galician, Catalan, Astur-Leonees, Aragonese and Aranees.
The Spanish language is a language coming to the branch of the Indo-European language family. It is one of the most spoken language in the world. About 40 ...
The Royal Spanish Academy, in its Dictionary of the Spanish language, defines sport as a "physical activity, exercised as a game or competition, whose ...
The differences in the language field of Spanish are greater than in the Serbo-Croat. The Croatian and Serbo-Croat other varieties differ in small ways (using ...
... language in using the Latin alphabet, after Spanish and English. Portuguese is also the most spoken language in the Southern Hemisphere, with Angola ...
In addition, available in Arabic, "Russia Al-Yaum", launched in 2007, and Spanish-language channel "RT Actualidad", launched in 2009. In 2010, at the studio ...
Both language academies, Peruvian and Spanish, differ in their positions. The Peruvian Academy of Language follows the hypothesis proposed by Federico More ...
For now, Google has incorporated the English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, and Turkish languages into this system. Since December ...
... language by a very large part of the world's population. Considering only the first language speakers, English is surpassed by both Mandarin and Spanish.
It is also the most spoken language in the world after Chinese, Spanish and English. According to the calculation of the World Economic Forum, it is one of the ...