1. U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School

This School is located at Edwards Air Force Base in California, United States. Its mission is to train test pilots and test engineers. It is necessary to the students scientific knowledge and of engineering and rational judgment elaborated in critical situation.
2. Indian Air Force Test Pilot School

Candidates have two options for joining the Indian Air Force, who want to be a pilot of Air Force (if you want to be a commercial pilot, there is a separate process for this to be recruited in the Air Force of India. Indian Air Force is a bit different, there are some eligibility criteria for this.
3. Divisão de Formação em Ensaios em Voo

The mission of the Flight Testing Division is to promote the technical and operational improvement of the Brazilian Armed Forces and friendly nations, as well as the Brazilian industry, by training qualified personnel to conduct in-flight trials, implement aircraft instrumentation and receiving flights.
4. National Test Pilot School, Mojave, California

The National Test Pilot School (NTPS) is a test pilot school located in the Mojave Aerospace Port in Mojave, California (United States). The school trains students mainly for manufacturers of commercial aircraft and military air forces. The school operates a fleet of around 40 aircraft, ranging from Cessna 150 light aircraft to the Saab 35 Draken supersonic fighter.
5. International Test Pilots School, London

The International Test Pilot School Limited (ITPS) provides a range of training courses for test pilots and flight test engineers. ITPS has been selected by 25 Air Arms so far. This school offers Flight Test Training, Tactical Training, Avionics Training, UAS Training, and Civil Training with leading experts. The ITPS train team includes a perfect international group of experts with a broad spectrum of expertise in the Rotary Wing, Civil and Military Flight tests.
The school is located at the Boscombe Down Air Base in Wiltshire, England. When the school was established in 1943, it was the first of its kind in the world. The school was established in 1943 after a large number of deaths by pilots during the trial of the many new types of aircraft that prototypes were made during the war.
7. Escuela Española de Ensayos en Vuelo y Aeronavegabilidad

E4A, is a center belonging to the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), established by virtue of the specific collaboration agreement of the Air Force (EA) with the UPM for the development of the Spanish School of Flight Tests and Airworthiness.
8. Linköping University Flight Test School

The University of Technology at Linköping University started in 1969 and has been part of the Technical Faculty at Linköping University since 1975. During the 1990s, the university's natural science and mathematical activities were taken to the faculty.
9. United States Naval Test Pilot School

USNTPS is a training center of the US Navy. It is located at the Naval Air Station Patuxent River in Maryland, USA. There pilots, weapons system officers and engineers of the Navy, the Marine Corps, the Army and the Air Force are instructed in the functioning, the development and the technology of the different aircraft.
10. École du Personnel Navigant d'Essais et de Réception (EPNER)

The school depends on the Directorate General of Armament and is intended to train the crews involved in test flights. It is a theoretical course completed by the realization of practical test drills that allow to test in flight the characteristics of the aircraft, in the best safety conditions.
11. Fedotov Test Pilot School

Students of the school undergo theoretical and practical flight training in the field of the safe and effective conduct of flight tests and research of aircraft and their on-board equipment. Initially, the school had three departments for training test pilots of aircraft, helicopters, and also test navigators and lead flight test engineers for work in the experimental design bureau of the aviation industry of research institutes and serial aircraft factories.