PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor is a script language that can be embedded or inserted into HTML. PHP is widely used to program dynamic websites. PHP can be used to build a CMS. Initially PHP was short for Personal Home Page. PHP was first created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995. At that time PHP was still called Form Interpreted (FI), whose form was a set of scripts used to process form data from the web.

Furthermore Rasmus released the source code for the public and named it PHP. With the release of this source code to be an open source, many programmers are interested in developing PHP. In November 1997, PHP / FI 2.0 was released. In this release, the PHP interpreter has been implemented in the C program. In this release also included extension modules that significantly improve PHP / FI capabilities.

In 1997, a company called Zend rewrote PHP interpreters to be cleaner, better, and faster. Then in June 1998, the company released a new interpreter for PHP and inaugurated the release as PHP 3.0 and the abbreviation PHP was changed to a recurring acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessing. In mid 1999, Zend released a new PHP interpreter and the release was known as PHP 4.0. PHP 4.0 is the most widely used version of PHP at the beginning of the 21st century. This version is widely used due to its ability to build complex web applications but still has high speed and stability.

In June 2004, Zend released PHP 5.0. In this version, the core of the PHP interpreter undergoes major changes. This version also includes an object-oriented programming model in PHP to answer the development of programming languages ​​towards an object-oriented paradigm. The default web server is added to version 5.4 to make it easier for developers to run PHP code without installing server software.

Tags: PHP, PHP Hypertext Preprocessor, PHP Hypertext Preprocessing, Rasmus Lerdorf

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